Removing repeating fields from a table: Using VBA
If you have to convert a spreadsheet to a database you will often
find that the imported table has repeating fields. Converting this
to a better structure can be tedious and error-prone, especially if
there are many fields (the limit in Access is 255 fields in a
table). This article shows a generic method that you could adapt for
converting such a table or tables.
The starting sample
The sample table has one descriptive field (Item) and 30 data
fields, each referring to a particular month and containing currency
values. You can see a snapshot below.
The lookup table
Each AMT field refers to a particular month so the information
was entered into a lookup table. Note that the Header field is a
primary key; that is required for the update query to function.
There are other ways to generate the lookup / transformation but a
lookup table is simple to maintain.
The dummy query
The code writes the transformed data to a query, which is then
appended to the final table. To build the starting query make a new
query using a single field from any table, and save it as qryDummy.
The final table
The final table has five fields instead of the original 31. As a
result there are more rows but the data is much easier to use for
reports and queries. There is no need to change fields when querying
a different month, and querying ranges of months is also
The code
Place the following code into a new module (Alt+F11, Insert >
Module, then paste the code)
Function Transform_Table() Dim dbs As DAO.Database Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef Dim rst As DAO.Recordset Dim sSQL As String, _ sSQL1 As String, _ sSQL2 As String Set dbs = CurrentDb() Set rst = dbs.TableDefs("tlkDate").OpenRecordset 'build the first query to transpose the table sSQL = "" With rst .MoveFirst Do Until .EOF sSQL = sSQL & "SELECT [Item], '" & !Header & "' as [Header], " _ & "[" & !Header & "] As Amount FROM [TestData] UNION " .MoveNext Loop .Close End With Set rst = Nothing sSQL = Left(sSQL, Len(sSQL) - 7) dbs.QueryDefs("qryDummy").SQL = sSQL 'SQL to append the data to tblMain sSQL1 = "INSERT INTO tblMain ( Item, Header, Amount ) " _ & "SELECT Q.Item, Q.Header, Q.Amount " _ & "FROM qryDummy AS Q " _ & "WHERE Q.Amount Is Not Null" 'SQL to update the dates sSQL2 = "UPDATE tlkDate INNER JOIN tblMain " _ & "ON tlkDate.Header = tblMain.Header " _ & "SET tblMain.RefDate = [tlkDate].[LookupValue];" DoCmd.SetWarnings False 'delete existing records in the final table. Comment out to leave existing records alone DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE * FROM tblMain" 'run the append and update queries DoCmd.RunSQL sSQL1 DoCmd.RunSQL sSQL2 DoCmd.SetWarnings True 'clean up references dbs.Close Set dbs = Nothing End Function
The code has deliberately been set up to be as generic as
possible. You will need to build the lookup table described earlier,
and change a couple of field names to suit your needs.