Access — Creating a report launcher — DataWright Information Services
Creating a form and report menu When you build a database, one of the problems that you need to solve is how to provide your users with a navigation system. The default in Access is to create a Switchboard, but this has limitations, not the least of which being that you cannot have more than […]
Tracking data changes in Access
Tracking data changes in Access There are situations where you want to be able to track changes to records in a multi-user database. This page contains articles covering two options: storing when a record was changed and by whom; and storing the old value of a field before it changed. The first option only keeps […]
Excel, Access and ADO: Part 3 — DataWright Information Services
Add a field to an existing table, and update data for the new field
Selection with VBA — DataWright Information Services
Several ways to make selections using VBA To work effectively with Excel, you need to be able to refer to the workbook, sheet, or range of interest. If you use the macro recorder as a learning tool, you will think that you need to select everything before you manipulate it. That is not the case. […]
Why won’t my macro run in Access 2007? — DataWright Information Services
Why do some macros not run in Access 2007? Access 2007 has a number of new features that enhance macros. This gives you more flexibility and allows you to create an Access application that will work even if VBA has been disabled. However, not all macro commands are created equal and, in the interests of […]
Access Tips — DataWright Information Services
Tips for using Access This is a collection of tips that don’t warrant a whole page to themselves, but could make your life easier. General hints and tips Creating code for an event Creating an MDE file from your database Booting users out of a multi-user database — Updated 31 Jan 2009 Calculate Working Days […]
Excel, Access and ADO: Part 2 — DataWright Information Services
Transfer the contents of a worksheet to a database table
Logging users in your database
Finding out who is using your database If you have multiple users in your database, you often need to know who is in the database when it comes time to do some maintenance. If you have set up user-level security, it’s possible to get that information with the Jet User Roster, which reads the contents […]
Using combo boxes in Access, Part 1 — DataWright Information Services
Using combo boxes Combo and list boxes are among the most powerful and versatile controls in Access. They allow you to control data entry by limiting the options to existing items, but you can do much more than that. The articles on this page will demonstrate some of the things you can do with combo […]
Access Resources — DataWright Information Services
Access Resources This is a page of resources that we hope you will use and enjoy. The resources will be added to over time, so please come back to check for new pages. You are welcome to use the samples from this site, as long as you cite this site as the source. If you […]