DataWright Information Services

Consulting and Resources for Excel and Access

Deleting Duplicate Records in Access

Deleting duplicate records in Access The download file is available here. Often when importing records you will need to deal with duplicates. There are a number of ways to do this; one is to import everything and then remove any duplicates, and the cleanest way to do that is by using a subquery. This example […]

Excel Resources — DataWright Information Services

Excel resources This is a collection of Excel and VBA resources that hopefully you will find useful. This list of resources will grow over time; please come back to check for new material. You are welcome to use the samples from this site, as long as you cite this site as the source. If you […]

Drill up and down in an Excel report — DataWright Information Services

Create an Excel report that can drill down to display detail Download the sample file here (21,768 bytes) If you’ve ever had to build Excel reports that let you drill down to more detail, your options have probably been limited. You could create a pivot table, which lets you drill down to the detail behind […]


Some useful links to other sites This list is not exhaustive by any means, but it includes many of the sites in my Favorites list. Feel free to recommend an addition to the list. Excel sites MrExcel One of the biggest Excel sites on the Web. Hosted by Microsoft MVP Bill Jelen, author of more […]

Setting a reference in the VBE — DataWright Information Services

Setting a reference in the VBA environment Often you will find yourself needing to work with other applications, or use different object libraries, when creating VBA code. One or two examples might be: Automating Excel or Word from Access Using ADO in Excel to transfer data to and from an Access (or other) database If […]

Managing range names with VBA — DataWright Information Services

Managing range names with VBA If you start using range names extensively, and you find yourself needing to add or remove names from workbooks, knowing how to do it in code will save you a lot of time. When you manipulate or loop through range names in VBA you will need to use the Names […]

DataWright Information Services

Navigation add-in for Excel 2007 Download it here: Notes: This file is a demonstration of an Excel 2007 Add-In that creates a very basic Navigation tab. On that tab is a drop-down list that repopulates when you click it, generating a list of worksheets in the active workbook . Selecting an item in the drop-down […]

Access — Creating a report launcher — DataWright Information Services

Creating a form and report menu When you build a database, one of the problems that you need to solve is how to provide your users with a navigation system. The default in Access is to create a Switchboard, but this has limitations, not the least of which being that you cannot have more than […]