Create a new field in a table, and update existing records with
new data
Download the
.mdb sample file (68,765 bytes) -
Download the .accdb sample file (71,432 bytes) - If you can’t create the database,
download this one (8558
This is Part 3 of 7 in a tutorial on using code to integrate
Excel and Access. In Part
1, you created the database; in
Part 2 you populated
the table with data from Excel. Here, you will create a new field in
the existing table and load data into that field without affecting
the other fields.
In the sample file, New Field has
the same population data as the first worksheet, with an additional
column for Region. By clicking the Insert Field
button, you will add the Region field to tblPopulation
in the Access database that was created in
Part 1 of this
tutorial. The field is blank at this stage, but clicking
Update Field Data will update the data in the Access table.
- The database name is defined as a
constant at
the top of the code module. You will need to add this to the top
of your code module as well, above the first Sub. - You will need to
set a reference
to the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.x Library to run this
code. If you use the ADOX method for creating the field, you
will also need to reference the ADO Extension Library, as noted
in the link above.
Add a new field
Add a Field Using ADOX
To create a new field using ADOX you need to do 4 things:
- Create a new ADO connection
- Create an ADOX Catalog (database) and make it use the ADO
connection that you just created - Set a reference to the table that you want to change
- Add column(s) to the table, by appending them to the table’s
Columns collection. You need to define the data
types when you create each field.
page shows which ADOX data types correspond to the Access
JET and DDL data types. - Clean up the references
Sub AddNewField_ADOX() Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection Dim MyConn Dim cat As ADOX.Catalog Dim col As ADOX.Column Dim tbl As ADOX.Table Dim sDB_Path As String MyConn = ActiveWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & TARGET_DB 'connect to the database and create a new ADOX Catalog 'that uses the connection Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection With cnn .Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" .Open MyConn End With Set cat = New ADOX.Catalog cat.ActiveConnection = cnn 'add the new field Set tbl = cat.Tables("tblPopulation") tbl.Columns.Append "Region", adVarWChar, 60 'clean up references Set cat = Nothing Set col = Nothing cnn.Close Set cnn = Nothing End Sub
Add a Field Using SQL
An alternative to ADOX is to use SQL to modify database and table
structures. Part of SQL is the Data Definition Language or DDL,
which is used for making structural changes. The sequence of steps
- Create a new ADO connection
- Create a Command object, and make it use the new ADO
connection - Execute an SQL statement that adds the new field (in this
case). You define the field types and sizes in the SQL
statement. - Clean up references.
By clicking Insert Field_SQL you will run the
following code and create Region_2, a 30-character text field:
Sub AddNewField_SQL() Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection Dim cmd As ADODB.Command Dim MyConn Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection MyConn = ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & TARGET_DB 'open the connection Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection With cnn .Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" .Open MyConn End With 'create a new Command object, and set its Connection property Set cmd = New ADODB.Command Set cmd.ActiveConnection = cnn 'create the field cmd.CommandText = "ALTER TABLE tblPopulation ADD Column Region_2 Char(30)" cmd.Execute 'clean up the references Set cmd = Nothing cnn.Close Set cnn = Nothing End Sub
Update the field data
To update the contents of a field for multiple records, you need
to loop through the rows in the worksheet, changing records one at a
time. You must use a unique ID as the key field. By clicking
Update Field Data you will populate the newly created
Region field in the database with the matching data in column C of
the spreadsheet. The code is shown below.
The steps involved are as follows:
- Go to the correct worksheet and determine how many rows to
load - Create an ADO connection
- Loop through each record in turn doing the following —
- Define a recordset filtered on the current record
- Open the recordset
- Change the record
- Update and close the recordset
- Close the connection and clean up references
Sub PopulateOneField() Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection Dim MyConn Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset Dim i As Long, j As Long Dim Rw As Long Dim sSQL As String Sheets("New Field").Activate Rw = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection MyConn = ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & TARGET_DB With cnn .Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" .Open MyConn End With Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset rst.CursorLocation = adUseServer 'Update one field in each record of the table. First record is in Row 2. For i = 2 To Rw sSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblPopulation WHERE PopID = " & Cells(i, 1).Value rst.Open Source:=sSQL, _ ActiveConnection:=cnn, _ CursorType:=adOpenKeyset, _ LockType:=adLockOptimistic rst(Cells(1, 3).Value) = Cells(i, 3).Value rst.Update rst.Close Next i ' Close the connection cnn.Close Set rst = Nothing Set cnn = Nothing End Sub